Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of The Pacific Northwest Guild of Cosplayers. Please take a moment to read over the following information. This page will tell you what to expect as we process your application and what it means to be a member.
The Pacific Northwest Guild of Cosplayers is a guild built on respect and acceptance. Upon receiving your application we will review your social media presence to ensure that nothing being posted is based in hate, discrimination or bigotry. We take a very strong stance against these things that damage our community and art. This Guild is like a family. Like any family, we do not expect you to be with friends with, or even like, everyone. That being said, we require each and every member to treat their fellow Guildmates with respect.
Please read carefully, any violation of these rules may result in expulsion from the Guild.
Tolerance: All guild members will work to promote tolerance, acceptance and inclusivity in our community. We ask our members to work to promote a positive, diverse and safe place for our members and the greater cosplay community.
Creative Credit: We ask all guild members to credit others' work on their social media when applicable. When posting on social media, we ask all members to post photographer credit and any collaborating artists' work, unless you have made another agreement.
Community Support: We require all members to serve as “Safe Spaces” at a convention. We want the cosplay community to know that if they ever feel unsafe or need assistance they can reach out to ANY Guild member. Should this happen, we ask that you reach out to your Guild officers for assistance and we shall take over from there.
Respect: We require all members to be respectful of their fellow Guildmates. We do not expect everyone to be friends but we do require that you treat your fellow guild members with respect.
Volunteering: We ask members to try and volunteer a small portion of their time each year to the Guild's public events. This may be working a booth or attending an event. It’s important for us to have members that understand community requires work.
Cosplay Sensitivity: We ask all members to be sensitive to the impact their cosplay may have on others. Please remember that your cosplay may be interpreted differently by other members of the community. We ask our members to refrain from cosplaying controversial historic figures. In addition, all members agree not to engage in “Race Face” cosplay. This means no skin darkening or lightening makeup to alter your skin color to that of a different real-life skin tone. Examples of this are black face or eye tape. Alien or fantasy makeup does not apply to this, I.E. dark elf or Andorian. When in doubt ask an officer.
Social Media/Online Presence : Before membership is granted, the Guild may review an applicant's social media presence and content. While we support a cosplayer's right to cosplay in the way they choose, we reserve the right to deny an applicant or remove a member found posting content that could be damaging to the Guild's image or reputation. Examples of this include: lewd or overly suggestive posts, graphic nudity, hate speech and or inflammatory remarks.
Becoming a Member
Things to Consider Before Applying
Guild Member Code of Conduct
Requirements for Membership
Applicant must be 17 years of age or older
Guild members must agree to help any cosplayer, guild member or not, if they are in distress at a convention and get them to the appropriate assistance.
Guild members must be willing to share information and skills regarding cosplay.
Applicants must be located in the greater pacific northwest. Oregon, Washington State, British Columbia.
Applicant must be a cosplayer, cosplay photographer or dedicated handler.
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